The Definitive Guide on What to Take to University

Starting to pack for university is no easy feat but luckily, we have the definite guide of everything you need to take with you for the big move this month.
The Essentials:
-Laptop/small desktop computer: Choose a robust model that will last you for a good few years. We’d recommend a laptop that can be taken to lectures and the library as and when you need it. Make sure it’s loaded up with essential programmes like Microsoft Office, which can prove expensive if you need to buy all at once.
-Memory sticks: It’s vital you get into the habit of constantly backing up your work so have a few large memory sticks to hand before you start.
-Stationery: Stock up on everything you think you’ll need for your course such as low cost paper, pens, a stapler and folders/files.
-Desk lamp: For when you’re working late into the night on that final essay…
-Alarm clock: Sometimes phones fail and you don’t want to get off to a bad start missing lectures!
-Diary: This will be your life line in making sure everything’s in on time and you’re heading to the right place for your classes.
-Bag: Good sized bag for all of your folders and millions of handouts you receive throughout the day.
-Specialised equipment: Find out the requirements for your course and turn up prepared.
-Books: Get all of your course textbooks before term begins.
-Kitchen Essentials: You may end up sharing toasters and crockery with your housemates but it’s always good to come prepared, at least with a few wine glasses!
-Mobile phone: Essential in every way.
-Health-related items: Take your NHS number and GP’s name, address and record number, so any medical information can be transferred to your university surgery.
-I.D, passport and driving licence: For any impromptu trips and buying anything that requires identification.
-Secure, lockable small box: Keep any valuables and important bits locked away for your own piece of mind.
-Bank Account info: Set one up in advance and find the best student account available.
-National Insurance number: You may want to have a part time job in university so this is essential.
-Bedding: Ikea is perfect for cheap duvets, pillows and covers.
-Clothes: Bring the essentials for each term and maybe some fancy dress outfits for the obligatory student nights. Don’t forget the hangers.
-Home Comforts: Don’t forget to bring some photo frames, ornaments and bits and pieces from home that will help if you’re feeling a bit homesick.
-Download helpful student apps: Apps to act as a reminder, research point or just about anything else can be helpful.
-Voice recorder: If you’re on a course that is going to have a lot of complex content, a voice recorder can help if you need more information at a late date.
-Headphones: Another essential.
-Wall planner: A visualisation of what you’ve got on is always helpful.
-Eye mask and earplugs: If your flatmates like to keep the party going until the early hours of the morning.
-Penknife/bottle opener and torch: For emergencies and friend making purposes
-Printer: Depending on your course, probably not worth investing in. University printer credits are usually cheap and means you’ll save on the hassle if your printer (inevitably) breaks down.