Unusual University Courses

Starting at university can be a challenging and testing time, trying to fit in, make new friends, revise for exams and take part in group activities can leave you wondering how you will have time to sleep. The thing that normally gets students through these testing times is the prospect of getting a good degree, a decent job and an attractive wage packet at the end of it, do you think you and your student house mates would be so focused if they where studying for a qualification in David Beckham?

Some Universities have started to offer strange and unusual degrees. A University now has a course where students can study “the world of bubbles”, this had us thinking of what type of career could you have after this course, short of working in a bubble factory, we think the choices are pretty limited! Other weird and wonderful courses that students can actually study and gain a professional certificate in range from Zombie studies to underwater basket weaving.

Students who decide to study “The joy of Garbage” can fully expect to hand in work and have assessments in the form of practicals, exams and written essays. This course aims to show students how to manage their rubbish and to encourage students to recycle…. We still don’t think this would be our first choice for a degree!

The majority of these courses may not get you a job but the lectures would be very entertaining! Having an education in some of these bizarre courses isn’t necessarily easy, those students studying “politicizing Beyonce” have to learn the lyrics and analyse any music videos in depth. When you chose your university course was it a difficult decision, where you torn between “how to train the Jedi way” and Biomedical Science or was it a more simplistic choice?